How do I cancel my membership?
You can cancel your membership with BumaStemra. Membership runs for a full calendar year and is automatically renewed each year. You can cancel your membership until no later than three months before the start of the new calendar year. After your cancellation, you still keep some rights – any money you earn from your music remains yours, of course. You can still receive distributions from us up to three years after you cancel your membership. You’ll also continue to receive:
- An annual statement showing your allocated rights income and amounts paid by category
- Insight into BumaStemra’s management costs and other withholdings. You can read about these in the annual report and notes on our website
- You can file a claim or complaint with us up to three years after you cancel your membership
What you need to do when you cancel your membership
- Please notify us of your cancellation by email
- Make sure we have your correct address and bank details. This is because you can receive money (from rights income) distributed by us up to three years after your cancellation. If we’re unable to distribute this money because we don’t have your correct details, you’ll find the information on the annual statement you receive from us