When does Buma collect for specially written music in a grand rights production?

Buma collects for the music use of your self-written works in grand rights productions if the work meets a number of conditions:

  1. You let us know in advance that you want us to collect for your music use in grand rights productions
  2. You let the producer know in advance that Buma is going to collect for this music use
  3. It must concern ‘grand rights repertoire’, i.e. music that is specially written for the production
  4. You registered the music with Buma on time, preferably in the first month that your music was used
  5. You have not already arranged payment for performance rights in some other way. You must submit a new application for each production that you want Buma to collect for you

To submit an application, email podia.theater@bumastemra.nl.