Management Board

The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall functioning of the organization. They are responsible for the general and daily management, as well as the performance and results of the organization.
The Board of Directors consists of a general director (CEO) and a financial director (CFO). They are appointed by the general assembly and are accountable to the assembly and the Supervisory Board. The Board of Directors operates according to the collegial decision-making model and aims for consensus.
Marcel Gelauff, CEO a.i.
Additional positions/occupation paid:
• Media trainer at The Training Studio
• Owner Lake Shore BV
• Member of the European Research Advisory Group, Council for Journalism
Additional positions unpaid:
• Chairman of the Professional Field Committee, School of Journalism, Utrecht
Marleen Kloppers, CFO
Additional positions/occupation paid:
• Board member of Stichting SCAN
• Board Member of VOICE
• Owner of Hotel Oudegracht
You can find the CEO and CFO profiles in the articles of association and regulations.