What if I disagree with your decision about my complaint?
We hope you will be satisfied with our decision and the reasons behind it. However, you may still disagree. If your complaint is related to the invoice for a fee – for example because you think the amount you have to pay is too high, you can report it to the Copyright Disputes Committee.
If your complaint is about something else and you disagree with our decision, our Management Team may reassess the complaint. Please send this request by email or post within one month of receiving our decision.
In your request, clearly explain why you disagree with the decision. In most cases, you will receive a response within a few weeks, unless the Management Team needs more time. You will be notified of this.
You can trust us to treat any information you share with us carefully and confidentially.
Once the Management Team has made a decision, the case between you and BumaStemra is finished.
Management Team contact information:
attn. Management Team
Postbus 3080
2130 KB Hoofddorp
Email: directiesecretariaat@bumastemra.nl