Where can I find my financial information in MijnBumaStemra?
It’s easy to see all your financial details in MijnBumaStemra:
- Want to view your statements? Log in to your MijnBumaStemra account, click on the ‘Calendar’ tab and view the ‘Scheduled settlements overview for January. You’ll find all the distribution information for the respective year here
- Do you want to know what date you need to submit something by? For example, a change to your bank account number? Click on ‘Calendar’ and then ‘Deadlines’
- Would you like to see the financial information about the use of your musical works? Click on the ‘Settlements’ tab and use the filter option. You can sort the information by period, type of settlement and title of work
Citizen service number (BSN)
In 2022, we sent all member composers and songwriters a message about submitting your Citizen Service Number (BSN). We are required to request and submit this information to the Dutch tax authorities.
To find out more, please go to our page about this new legislation: Nieuwe wetgeving: geef je BSN door via MijnBumaStemra – BumaStemra.