New features for setlists in MijnBumaStemra

9 April 2024

Licentie New features in MijnBumaStemra

Submitting setlists and performances in MijnBumaStemra

We’re excited to introduce a new way to submit setlists. With this feature, it is now possible to submit setlists and performances directly within MijnBumaStemra, our portal for members. Previously, setlists were submitted through the Buma Setlists app or by sending Excel files. This method will remain available for a brief period, before being entirely discontinued by the year’s end.

Submitting setlists after a live performance is crucial. This allows our systems to match the performed songs with registered works, ensuring that rightsholders are properly compensated for the use of their music.

You can find the functionality in MijnBumaStemra under ‘Live’. Creating a new setlist can be done manually by adding works manually or by uploading an Excel list. Finding works is easier than ever with the integration with Spotify, in addition to the existing search functions. Find a work in Spotify, click on it, and it’s added to the setlist. The convenient copy function allows you to reuse existing setlists, saving a lot of work for future performances.

Based on requests from and in collaboration with BumaStemra members, we have developed the ‘Setlists’ feature in MijnBumaStemra.

MijnBumaStemra is continuously being improved to provide our members with the best platform for registering works, viewing statements, and more.

Explore the new features

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