Who do we work with?

BumaStemra is one of the world’s leading music copyright organisations. Music creators and music users love to work with us because of our honest, transparent and professional approach and our passion for music. But we can’t maintain a healthy and sustainable creative ecosystem alone.
Alongside BumaStemra, there are other organisations that represent your interests as a creator.
Here is a list of some of the organisations you will encounter regularly as a music creator.
SENA is the Foundation for the Exploitation of Neighbouring Rights, and it manages the rights of performers and producers. You receive a payment from Sena if your music is played in public. The money received comes from the music licences taken out by companies and organisations who play music in public.
BAM! Popauteurs is de grootste belangenvereniging voor makers van popmuziek van Nederland. Ze vertegenwoordigen songwriters uit alle popgenres, van dance tot hiphop, het levenslied en rock. Je krijgt er gratis toegang tot hun events, advies bij juridische zaken of subsidieaanvragen en meer.
VOI©E is the trade association of collective management organisations for copyright or neighbouring rights. These are the organisations that ensure that you as an author, performer, publisher or producer receive fair renumeration when your work is used.
VIDEMA is an organisation affiliated to the trade association VOI©E. VIDEMA handles the licence and payment if your film and television footage is used for corporate use.
VEVAM is the copyright organisation for film and television directors in the Netherlands. VEVAM will pay you royalties if you are a film or television director, and your work is broadcast on television.
#permalinkStichting Reprorecht
Stichting Reprorecht collects reproduction rights fees from companies, government agencies and educational institutions that make copies of copyrighted publications, such as books, newspapers and magazines. Is your publication being copied? Then the foundation divides the fees between you, as publisher or author, and all other rightsholders.
#permalinkStichting PRO
Stichting PRO is a copyright organisation for publishers. The organisation deals with the collective administration of copyrights of publishers and their authors. As a publisher, you can contact Stichting PRO to represent your interests.
#permalinkStichting Pictoright
Pictoright represents visual creators in the Netherlands, such as illustrators, visual artists, graphic designers, photographers and other professional image creators. Whether you are a creator, user or seller, Pictoright is the place to go for visual copyrights.
#permalinkStichting Lira
Stichting Lira (Stichting Literaire Rechten Auteurs) is the copyright organisation for writers and translators. Lira protects your rights if you write poems, stories, essays, columns, novellas, novels, plays or musical dramatic works, such as musicals.
#permalinkStichting Leenrecht
Stichting Leenrecht is an organisation that collects and distributes fees for the lending and rental of protected works to rightsholders. As a writer, translator, illustrator, photographer, designer, publisher, composer, musician, actor or producer, you receive payment through the Stichting Leenrecht when your work is lent or rented out.
#permalinkStichting de Thuiskopie
Stichting de Thuiskopie collects fees for rightsholders from manufacturers and importers of blank image and sound carriers such as CDs and DVDs. The foundation ensures that composers, musicians, producers, authors or other artists receive payment if their work is copied.
The FotografenFederatie promotes the business, social and cultural interests of professional photographers and works to improve the status of the profession. If you are a Dutch photographer, this photographers’ federation will represent your interests.
#permalinkStichting BREIN
The stichting BREIN (foundation BREIN) fights intellectual property fraud on behalf of authors, performers, publishers, producers and distributors of music, film, video and interactive software. As an author, if you suspect illegal copies of your work are circulating, the Brein Foundation will help you to identify and stop the fraud.
STAP (Stichting Thuiskopievergoeding Audioproducenten) is a collective management organisation. STAP represents audio producers by distributing home copying and lending rights fees.
#permalinkMultimedia Producers Platform
The foundation Platform Multimediaproducenten (PM) represents producers and interactive media publishers by distributing fees for home copying. If consumers are making copies of your work for private use, PM will ensure that creators receive a fee.
#permalinkSEKAM and SEKAM Video
SEKAM and SEKAM Video are organisations for independent Dutch film and TV producers. As a Dutch film or television maker, you can join SEKAM and SEKAM Video. They will arrange for payments to be divided fairly between you and other rightsholders.
NORMA is a rights organisation that represents the interests of performers such as musicians, dancers, actors and voice-over actors. NORMA will pay you if you are entitled to money for home copying, lending rights or cable fees, as a performer.
European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composer, ‘GESAC’, is a French organisation representing the interests of European creators, such as musicians, visual artists and film directors. You can also join GESAC as a Dutch creator.
CISAC (International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers) is the world’s largest collection society. It represents more than four million creators from various disciplines. Whether you are a musician, film or theatre maker, writer or visual artist, CISAC protects your rights.
CEDAR stands for ‘Centre for Service to Authors and Related Rights’. It provides support services for various collection societies. It deals with the administration and invoicing of copyright payments. It also ensures that you receive fair remuneration if you are entitled to it as an author, publisher or other rightsholder.
BIEM is an international organisation representing mechanical rights societies. These societies operate in most countries and license the reproduction of musical works, including musical, literary and dramatic works. Their members are composers, authors and publishers, and their clients are record companies and other recorded music users. Mechanical rights societies also license the mechanical aspects of downloading music online. Producers need a licence from the owners of the works to produce a CD, audio cassette or LP containing protected musical works, and they pay royalties for each copy produced and sold.
Booking offices
Booking through an affiliated booking agency
The booking agencies listed below may charge 7% of the buyout fee on our behalf. When this is paid, it will be taken as an advance payment.
Double Vee Concerts BV24475115
Booking agencies with BumaStemra quality mark | Chamber of Commerce Number |
AAA 2010 BV | 34392316 |
Agents After All BV | 34214585 |
Benz Agency BV | 61950254 |
BME Bookings | 75868695 |
Berk Music Productions BV | 17099297 |
Brandon BV (Studio One) | 06082483 |
Buro voor Muziek BV | 51690497 |
Buro2010 BV | 32076138 |
CODE-16 | 66631165 |
D.E.A. Produkties | 17263422 |
Easybookings B.V. | 04073527 |
Echo Live B.V. | 94329575 |
Entertainment-NL B.V. | 34299144 |
Euro Entertainment B.V. | 06078526 |
FeestDokter | 02058608 |
FM-Events B.V. | 64635813 |
Friendly Fire B.V. | 30251806 |
Het Boekingsburo.nl B.V. (AT Bookings) | 27273630 |
I.T.B. Entertainment Group B.V. | 16079553 |
J.B. Productions | 23061686 |
Line Up Events | 30152853 |
Live & Booking VOF | 54349710 |
Lukassen Produkties VOF | 09117895 |
Mart Hoogkamer Entertainment BV | 85745103 |
MEProductions B.V. | 86007734 |
Muziek en Showbureau Jan Vis B.V. | 16023833 |
Nachtwacht Entertainment B.V. | 69389683 |
Nexus Bookings B.V. | 86744623 |
NR1 Artiesten BV | 84813164 |
ONLY BANDS | 77403215 |
Pro Bookings Entertainment Professionals BV | 57846855 |
Ruisch Music (Geels Events) | 30256498 |
SoDifferent Agency | 67768636 |
Startup Events BV | 53432584 |
Steam Bookings B.V. | 96323213 |
Total Rocket Management BV (Rocket Agency) | 32046066 |
Twilight Entertainment B.V. | 71270930 |
Vibe Entertainment BV | 76489191 |
Viking Entertainment BV | 17155450 |
Volendam Music BV | 36005828 |
Your Agency B.V. | 56540361 |
Music organisations and professional associations
Lots of organisations offer advice and support for music creators. You will find a list of some useful organisations here. Each one has its own advantages and specialises in different things.
De VMN is een branchevereniging voor Nederlandse muziekhandelaren en -uitgevers. Ze ondersteunt haar leden met data, nieuws, kennis en andere vormen van advies.
De NVPI is de branchevereniging van de entertainmentindustrie. Deze organisatie vertegenwoordigt muziekmaatschappijen en uitgevers van audiovisuele content door hun belangen te behartigen bij beleidsmakers. Ook voor juridische ondersteuning en advies kun je bij ze terecht.
De Nederlandse Toonkunstenaarsbond (Ntb), is een vakbond voor musici. Ze komt op voor muzikanten met hulp bij verzekeringen, juridische ondersteuning maar ook CAO-onderhandelingen en nog veel meer.
De NMUV is de Nederlandse Muziek Uitgevers Vereniging. Als lid van NMUV word je op de hoogte gehouden van alles wat er gebeurt in het uitgeverswerkveld. Ook kun je er terecht voor belangenbehartiging, juridisch advies en andere ondersteuning.
#permalinkNIEUW GENECO
NIEUW GENECO staat voor het Genootschap van Nederlandse Componisten. Het is een beroepsvereniging die de directe en indirecte belangen van Nederlandse componisten behartigt. Ze werken hard om de positie en zichtbaarheid van componisten beter te maken.
BCMM is de Beroepsvereniging Componisten MultiMedia. Deze organisatie komt op voor de belangen van alle Nederlandse componisten. Schrijf je muziek voor films, TV, games, reclames of bijvoorbeeld tunes en jingles, dan kun je hier terecht voor ondersteuning en een groot netwerk van collega’s.
#permalinkBAM! Popauteurs
BAM! Popauteurs is the largest industry association for pop music creators in the Netherlands, representing songwriters from all pop genres, from dance to hip-hop, Dutch (levenslied) songs and rock.
#permalinkWhat’s the difference between grand rights and small rights?
Grand rights and small rights are terms we use when determining whether BumaStemra can collect payment for a work. Grand rights include music that is part of a larger production, for example, a theatre performance, musical or ballet production. Small rights cover music that stands alone, such as a melody with lyrics. BumaStemra usually only collects for music covered by small rights, but there are exceptions. You can read more about this later.
What constitutes grand rights?
Grand rights cover music that is specially written for a production. These must be (musical) works that are part of a ‘narrative performance’. A narrative performance is a dramatical musical story involving several copyrights. For example, a combination of the lyrics, music, choreography, lighting and costumes in a ballet performance, musical, operetta or opera.
Is your music being used in a production even though it was not created especially for that production? Then this falls under small rights.
How do music creators get paid for grand rights?
BumaStemra does not licence the use of music in grand right productions. Producers of grand right productions must make their own agreements with music creators and music publishers (the rightsholders). All parties must mutually agree on music use and payments.
This also applies if your music is reused in another production, if that production is also an inseparable part of the show’s storyline. For example, a sequel in a series of performances. In this case, the producer of the show must again make arrangements with music creators and publishers directly.
When does BumaStemra collect for grand rights?
For BumaStemra to collect for the use of your music in grand right productions, you need to meet several conditions.
- You must inform us in advance that you want us to collect for the use of your music in the grand right production.
- You must let the producer know in advance that BumaStemra will collect.
- It must be ‘grand rights repertoire’, i.e. musical works written especially for the production.
- You must register the musical works with BumaStemra on time, preferably in the first month your music was used.
- You must not have already arranged payment for the performing rights in any other way.
- You must submit a new request to us for each production you want BumaStemra to collect for.
To submit a request, please email us at podia.theater@bumastemra.nl.