Submit a request for a modification or addition to the website

Website modification requests

If you spot something that needs fixing or have ideas to make the BumaStemra website even better, this is the place to let us know. We appreciate your help in keeping the website in top-notch shape!

The form below is intended for modifications and additions to the website.

These changes include:

  • Any issue that needs repairing
  • Uploading new images/videos or replacing existing images/videos
  • Posting new Vacancies, Events, Posts (News items), Licences, FAQ items
  • Uploading new files (pdf’s) or replacing existing ones (tariffs, licences, policies, terms & conditions)
  • Additions, changes or translations for text, titles, headlines, phone numbers, etc.
  • Replacing (broken) links
For major changes or big ideas (like new menu structures, permanent removals, new designs, or plugins), please connect with one of our colleagues in the web editorial team:

Request a website modification

"*" geeft vereiste velden aan

If you want to add or change a document or image, please provide the URL of where the document is currently located or where it should be placed.
You can also use this field to upload any documents or images that need to be updated or uploaded on the website.
Sleep bestanden hierheen of
Toegestane bestandstypen: jpg, gif, mp4, png, pdf, docx, xlsx, xls, Max. bestandsgrootte: 50 MB, Max. aantal bestanden: 8.
    NOTE: if you select both versions, please make sure you have translations added to your request description and/or uploaded documents