FAQ Music creators

Membership / registration with BumaStemra
Why join BumaStemra?
If you’re a composer or songwriter, it’s a good idea to join BumaStemra if your own works are regularly broadcast on radio or TV, if you regularly perform your own work or if your music is recorded on CD or DVD. We keep track of where your music is played and ensure that music users pay when they use your work. And then we distribute the payment to you quickly and easily.
We also license businesses to use your music commercially. This includes online streaming platforms, such as YouTube and Spotify, as well as radio and television stations, restaurants and bars, festivals, shops and other business premises. We do this in the Netherlands and abroad. We can collect your royalties worldwide.
Joining BumaStemra means earning money from your music. If your music is played at home or abroad, and you have registered your works with us, then we can pay you, every time your music plays through a speaker somewhere in the world.
#permalinkWhat’s the difference between BumaStemra and Sena?
BumaStemra collects fees on behalf of our composer/songwriter and publisher members, while Sena (Foundation for the Exploitation of Neighbouring Rights) manages the neighbouring rights. This is the right to compensation for performers and/or producers when their music recording is played in public.
#permalinkDo I have to join BumaStemra and Sena?
It’s a good idea to join both organisations if you’re a songwriter or composer as well as a performer. BumaStemra manages the copyright on behalf of composers, songwriters and music publishers, and Sena represents the rights of performers and producers. There is no charge to join Sena.
If you are only a performer, then you can join Sena.
#permalinkHow do I join BumaStemra?
Joining BumaStemra is very simple. Just fill in your details and sign your contract digitally. After that, you can register your musical works with us—we take care of the rest!
Your membership always starts per calendar year. If you join immediately, your membership will be effective from January 1 of the current year. Starting January 1, 2025, the first year of membership is completely free for new members (see below).
Important: You cannot be registered with multiple copyright organizations for the same rights and/or territories. If you are still registered with another CMO, you cannot become a member of BumaStemra for the same rights and territory. Therefore, make sure to cancel your membership with any other copyright organization before applying to join us.
Register as an author or publisher.
Membership Requirements for Music Publishers
If you want to join BumaStemra as a music publisher, you must meet the following requirements:
- Your publishing name must not already exist in our records.
- You must be registered with the Chamber of Commerce.
- The digitally certified extract from the Chamber of Commerce’s Trade Register must include SBI code 5920 and the description “music publishing” or “publishing of music”.
Membership Costs
Starting January 1, 2025, the first year of membership is completely free for new members. This means:
No Registration Fee
The registration fee for new members will be removed, allowing you to join BumaStemra for free from 2025 onward.
No Contribution in the First Year
Music creators who become members after January 1, 2025, will not have to pay a contribution in their first year. From the second year onwards, the regular contribution will apply.
Change to the Basic Allowance for New Members
BumaStemra annually supplements members’ rights income with a so-called basic allowance, ensuring that members receive an amount slightly above the contribution fee. For new members, this will change:
- In the first year, new members will not receive a basic allowance.
- From the second year onwards, the basic allowance will apply, just like for all other members.
Annual Contribution Rates After the First Year
- As a music creator, you pay an annual contribution of €63.55.
- As a publisher, you pay an annual contribution of €127.10.
How do I change my membership?
It’s possible to change your contract with BumaStemra if you want to transfer your exploitation rights for a country or continent to another collection society. Say you want to register with a US collecting society as your music is being used in the US. But you want to remain a member of BumaStemra for your music use in the rest of the world. Submit a request to us, and we will remove the United States from the contract.
You can change your contract each year. Please take into account that we require a notice period of at least three months. If you want to change your membership on 30 September, then your contract will be amended on 1 January of the following year. You can join another collection society (e.g. in the US) from this point on. Please indicate that you only want to join for this specific country.
Since June 2014, you can exclude your copyright for specific categories through the opt-out system. This applies to the following categories: Events, RTV, Background music, Mechanical and Online. Again, we require a minimum of three months’ notice. The opt-out system works differently for publishers.
If you want to amend your copyright and/or your contract or you have any questions, please contact us at info@bumastemra.nl.
#permalinkHow do I cancel my membership?
Membership runs for a full calendar year and is automatically renewed each year. You can cancel your membership no later than three months before the start of the new calendar year. After you cancel your membership, you will retain a number of rights. And any money you earn from your music remains yours.
We’ll continue to pay you up to three years after you cancel your membership. This relates to fees for the use of your music during the period you were a member of BumaStemra. You can also submit claims or complaints up to three years after your contract ends.
Cancelling your membership: step-by-step
- Please inform us of your cancellation by email to info@bumastemra.nl stating the reason
- Make sure we have the correct address and bank details for you. We can pay you up to three years after your cancellation (for rights income). Your annual statement will indicate if we are unable to distribute the money to you due to out-of-date information
MBS (MijnBumaStemra)
What is MBS?
MijnBumaStemra (MBS) is the digital environment for BumaStemra members. This is where you can manage your personal information, register your musical works and view your statements. You can also see when distributions are due and the amounts distributed.
#permalinkHow do I create an account?
When you join BumaStemra, you can create a MijnBumaStemra account digitally. Once you have completed the registration process and your account has been created, you will be able to access MBS after 2-3 business days.
Are you a member of BumaStemra but don’t have an account yet? Create one now.
#permalinkHow do I register my works?
Watch the Works in MijnBumaStemra – YouTube video.
Every music creator is entitled to fair payment when their music is used. BumaStemra manages these payments worldwide. As a songwriter or composer, it’s important to register your works with us. We make sure that you – the music rightsholder – receive fair payment.
You can register your musical works in MijnBumaStemra. Go to mijn.bumastemra.nl and click on the ‘Work + register’ tab.
How do I register my works?
Watch the Works in MijnBumaStemra – YouTube video.
Every music creator is entitled to fair payment when their music is used. BumaStemra manages these payments worldwide. As a songwriter or composer, it’s important to register your works with us. We make sure that you – the music rightsholder – receive fair payment.
You can register your musical works in MijnBumaStemra. Go to mijn.bumastemra.nl and click on the ‘Work + register’ tab.
When do I have to register my works?
We recommend that you register all your works as soon as possible when you join BumaStemra. And when you write a new song, it’s important that you register this work immediately. We can only collect for the music use from the moment your works are registered with us. We work based on calendar years, and therefore we collect most music usage retroactively (from the start of the calendar year of your membership).
How do I submit a copyright share?
When you register your works, you have to fill in the title and the rightsholders with the correct percentage share for each work. You are required to list all rightsholders for each work, even if they are not a BumaStemra member. All parties must be included in the copyright share. When the registration details are complete, you can submit your work(s) using the ‘register’ button.
Please note: If a publisher is also involved in this work, they are required to register the work themselves. As an author or composer, you cannot add the publisher to the copyright share of a work.
How do I submit additional information?
You can enter additional details when you register your works, such as an alternative title or name of performer. This information is not required. Performers are not included in the copyright share.
How do I specify multiple rightsholders in a copyright share?
The musical work only needs to be registered by one person even if it was written by multiple member authors and composers. BumaStemra members named in the copyright share will then receive a notification asking them to approve or amend their author share of this work. If you have registered a work, you can find it in MijnBumaStemra under ‘recently registered’. It takes about two weeks for the work to appear in the ‘registered’ section.
You are required to list all rightsholders, even if they are not members of BumaStemra. If this is the case, select the ‘non-member’ option when registering the work.
Do I also need to state the publisher as a composer/songwriter?
No, you don’t have to do this. The publisher is responsible for registering the musical works. You don’t have to do anything. You only need to include the songwriters and composers in the copyright share. Otherwise, if you include the publisher, they will also claim a copyright share (in this case your share), which would be incorrect.
When you register the work yourself, you can be sure it will be correctly registered with us. As a songwriter/composer, you are not dependent on the publisher and if you are missing income, you will be able to submit a claim. You can only submit a claim if you have registered the work yourself.
#permalinkHow do I submit a claim?
You can submit a claim if you disagree with a payment amount or are concerned that you haven’t received payment. Check out the Claims, what are they and how do they work? – BumaStemra page for more information.
#permalinkHow do I register arrangements or adaptations?
When the lyrics and/or composition of a work are changed, we call this an ‘arrangement’. The changes in lyrics or composition turn the arrangement into a new song, for instance a classical version of a song. A musical work that has been translated is also an arrangement. When you arrange or adapt an existing work, you always need permission from the publisher or the rightsholder of the original work.
Only publishers can register arrangements in MijnBumaStemra at the moment. Composers and songwriters can submit their adaptations or arrangements using a CTB form. This must be returned to us by post, along with proof that you have obtained permission from the original rightsholders.
If the original rightsholder has given permission, then you can claim an arranger copyright share (up to 16,67%).
Would you like more information about covers and arrangements? Then check out the Your arrangements, covers and remixes – BumaStemra page.
#permalinkWhat is an ICE agreement (for publishers)?
Publishers must register musical works with BumaStemra themselves. As a publisher, if you have a share in someone else’s work, then it is important that you claim this share with us yourself. This doesn’t happen automatically. To register musical works, you need an ICE agreement. This is a number that indicates the agreement between two parties (e.g. between the publisher and music author). If you represent multiple authors as a publisher, you only need to apply for the ICE agreement number once. It only needs to be registered once.
After you apply for an ICE agreement number, you will receive an email within one to two weeks. The number is also automatically saved in your MijnBumaStemra account.
What is the base payment?
Every year, we make a base payment to composers and authors who have received less than € 70,- in income from their use of music. If the music creator has received no income, or if less than € 70,- was paid in a given year, we top up the remuneration at the end of the year. For publishers, this amount is € 140,-.
#permalinkWhat is the annual contribution?
All members pay an annual contribution. This amount is automatically deducted from your earnings, so you don’t have to pay it separately.
As a composer or lyricist, you pay your annual contribution in December, before the calendar year it applies to. The amount is €63.55 and is deducted from your earnings. If there are no earnings from music use, you will receive a basic allowance of €70. You will receive an invoice for this amount for your own administration. This means you do not have to actively pay the annual contribution.
The annual contribution for publishers is €127.10. This amount is deducted from earnings. If there are no earnings, publishers also receive a basic allowance of €140 (including VAT: €169.40).
Please note: Starting in 2025, new members—both composers/lyricists and publishers—won’t have to pay a contribution in their first year of membership. The basic allowance will also not apply in the first year. Click here for more information.
#permalinkHow do I change my bank account number?
You can change your bank account number by emailing info@bumastemra.nl.
Please provide the following information in your email:
- Your relationship number
- Your old account number
- Your new account number*
- A copy of your debit card or bank statement
Ensure that your account number and the account holder’s name are clearly visible on the documents you provide. Please conceal any other information.
*For authors, it is only possible to provide a personal account number.
For publishers, it is only possible to provide a business account number if it matches the name of the legal entity or the name registered in the Chamber of Commerce (KvK).
If you have a foreign bank account, include the bank’s name, address, and BIC code for processing purposes.
#permalinkWhere can I find my financial information in MijnBumaStemra?
It’s easy to see all your financial details in MijnBumaStemra:
- Want to view your statements? Log in to your MijnBumaStemra account, click on the ‘Calendar’ tab and view the ‘Scheduled settlements overview for January. You’ll find all the distribution information for the respective year here
- Do you want to know what date you need to submit something by? For example, a change to your bank account number? Click on ‘Calendar’ and then ‘Deadlines’
- Would you like to see the financial information about the use of your musical works? Click on the ‘Settlements’ tab and use the filter option. You can sort the information by period, type of settlement and title of work
Citizen service number (BSN)
In 2022, we sent all member composers and songwriters a message about submitting your Citizen Service Number (BSN). We are required to request and submit this information to the Dutch tax authorities.
To find out more, please go to our page about this new legislation: Nieuwe wetgeving: geef je BSN door via MijnBumaStemra – BumaStemra.
#permalinkYour music (and details)
How do I register my works?
Watch the Works in MijnBumaStemra – YouTube video.
Every music creator is entitled to fair payment when their music is used. BumaStemra manages these payments worldwide. As a songwriter or composer, it’s important to register your works with us. We make sure that you – the music rightsholder – receive fair payment.
You can register your musical works in MijnBumaStemra. Go to mijn.bumastemra.nl and click on the ‘Work + register’ tab.
When do I have to register my works?
We recommend that you register all your works as soon as possible when you join BumaStemra. And when you write a new song, it’s important that you register this work immediately. We can only collect for the music use from the moment your works are registered with us. We work based on calendar years, and therefore we collect most music usage retroactively (from the start of the calendar year of your membership).
How do I submit a copyright share?
When you register your works, you have to fill in the title and the rightsholders with the correct percentage share for each work. You are required to list all rightsholders for each work, even if they are not a BumaStemra member. All parties must be included in the copyright share. When the registration details are complete, you can submit your work(s) using the ‘register’ button.
Please note: If a publisher is also involved in this work, they are required to register the work themselves. As an author or composer, you cannot add the publisher to the copyright share of a work.
How do I submit additional information?
You can enter additional details when you register your works, such as an alternative title or name of performer. This information is not required. Performers are not included in the copyright share.
How do I specify multiple rightsholders in a copyright share?
The musical work only needs to be registered by one person even if it was written by multiple member authors and composers. BumaStemra members named in the copyright share will then receive a notification asking them to approve or amend their author share of this work. If you have registered a work, you can find it in MijnBumaStemra under ‘recently registered’. It takes about two weeks for the work to appear in the ‘registered’ section.
You are required to list all rightsholders, even if they are not members of BumaStemra. If this is the case, select the ‘non-member’ option when registering the work.
Do I also need to state the publisher as a composer/songwriter?
No, you don’t have to do this. The publisher is responsible for registering the musical works. You don’t have to do anything. You only need to include the songwriters and composers in the copyright share. Otherwise, if you include the publisher, they will also claim a copyright share (in this case your share), which would be incorrect.
When you register the work yourself, you can be sure it will be correctly registered with us. As a songwriter/composer, you are not dependent on the publisher and if you are missing income, you will be able to submit a claim. You can only submit a claim if you have registered the work yourself.
#permalinkHow do I upload sound files?
A sound file ensures that we can correctly identify your music. We use this file to create a fingerprint of your work. This fingerprint is matched to the sound files we receive from broadcasters, so we know when your music is played.
It’s easy to upload a sound file in MijnBumaStemra. Ideally, you should do this as soon as you register a new work, but it can also be done later.
Please provide sound files in the formats listed below:
type | channels | sample rate | sample size | bit rate |
Mp2 | 2 (stereo) | 44.1khz | 16bit | 256 kbps |
Mp3 | 2 (stereo) | 44.1khz | 16bit | 256 kbps |
wav | 2 (stereo) | 44.1khz | 16bit | 1,411 kbps (cd) |
m4a | 2 (stereo) | 44.1khz | 16bit | 256 kbps |
flac | 2 (stereo) | 44.1khz | 16bit | |
aac | 2 (stereo) | 44.1khz | 16bit |
How can I change or delete my registered works?
You can’t change or delete works that you have already submitted. If you wish to make adjustments, you must first re-register your work. The different registrations are linked internally, and the latest registration is saved. Each registration will remain visible in the list of your submitted works.
#permalinkHow can I protect my works?
The protection of musical works is covered by the Copyright Act. This does not go through BumaStemra. When you create a work, that work is subject to copyright under the Copyright Act. This automatically protects your work free of charge. It’s not necessary, or possible, to apply to an authority for copyright protection or to register it publicly.
In some cases, it is wise to register your work to avoid any misunderstandings about creatorship. You can do this through a notary or lawyer or at the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property.
Don’t forget:
- BumaStemra handles exploitation rights, not the protection of works
- Registration with Buma can contribute as evidence before a judge, but this offers no guarantee
To find out more about music copyright, check out our page about Your Rights – BumaStemra.
#permalinkWhat is plagiarism?
When a musical work is used in another work without permission it is called plagiarism. Is your work involved in a plagiarism issue? Or is someone accusing you of plagiarism? If so, try to solve the problem together first. If that doesn’t work, then the BumaStemra Plagiarism Committee (VCP) can help.
#permalinkWhat about using a sample?
If you want to use a sample, you need permission from the original creators/ rightsholders of the song. You can request this permission from the publisher or directly from the composer/author of the song. As you are using an existing recording when using a sample, you also need permission from the master owner of the recording. In most cases, this is the record company.
#permalinkWhat about the 30-second rule?
No matter how much of the original work you want to use, you always need a licence or permission. This applies even if you’re only using a few seconds of an existing work, not the whole song. There’s no such thing as the 30-second rule.
#permalinkWhen is a work in conflict?
A conflict arises when an author and/or publisher register the same work with different copyright shares. When this happens, we don’t know which registration is the correct one. In case of a conflict, it’s important that you, as a rightsholder, work it out with your co-authors. Once the final copyright share has been agreed together, please email counterclaims@bumastemra.nl so we can register the agreed shares.
#permalinkCan I work under a pseudonym?
Yes, you can request a pseudonym or stage name. This allows you to register titles without using your own (real) name. This pseudonym will be shown in the copyright shares.
If you want to request a pseudonym, please let us know the name you would like to request by email to info@bumastemra.nl. We first check if the name is available and then link the pseudonym to your name.
#permalinkHow and where will my musical works be used?
On our Your income – BumaStemra page, you’ll find an overview of the types of music use you can receive income from.
#permalinkCodes and numbers
What is an IPI number and why do I have two?
An IPI number is a unique, international number linked to a composer/songwriter’s original name. Anyone who has a prefix in their surname (e.g. van or de) automatically receives two IPI numbers. A second spelling of your name is added to the international database to make it easier to identify you. It doesn’t matter which IPI number you use when registering your works. It’s up to you.
#permalinkWhat is my relationship number?
Your relationship number is the unique number you receive as a member of BumaStemra. It’s always useful to include this number in any correspondence. This will help us find your details quickly. You can find your relationship number in your MijnBumaStemra account, under the heading ‘My details’.
#permalinkWhat is an ISRC code?
An ISRC code (International Standard Recording Code) is linked to a sound recording. This code is relevant for the master owner, and therefore we do not request it when you submit your work. We match using information from the title and the performer. You can find ISRC codes using ISRC Search. Contact Sena to apply for an ISRC code.
#permalinkWhat is an ISWC code?
ISWC stands for International Standard Work Code and is a code associated with a musical work. When a work is registered with us – and as soon as payment is distributed – a work receives an ISWC number. You can find this number in your registered works along with all the details.
#permalinkWhat is a BumaStemra work number?
All works registered with us are given a unique BumaStemra work number.
#permalinkSetlists app / Live performances
How do I submit setlists?
Submitting setlists after a live performance is crucial. This ensures that the songs played are linked to registered works, thereby ensuring that rightsholders are fairly compensated for the use of their music.
Submitting setlists in MijnBumaStemra
In MijnBumaStemra, we offer an intuitive way to create setlists. You can find the functionalities under the ‘Live’ tab. You have the option to manually add works to your setlist, or you can import an Excel list.
Manually creating a new setlist is simple: you can add works from your own repertoire, or you can search for works in our extensive Title Catalog or in the Spotify database. Your setlist will be ready in just a few clicks. The handy copy function allows you to reuse existing setlists, saving a lot of work after future performances.
Watch this video to see how it works.
Setlists App (no longer supported as of October 28, 2024)
The Buma Setlists app will no longer be supported as of October 28, 2024. Until then, you can still submit setlists via the app. After this date, submissions will only be possible through MijnBumaStemra.
#permalinkHow do I log into the Setlists app?
Use your MijnBumaStemra login details to log in to the Setlist app.
#permalinkHow does the Setlists app work?
- Open the Setlists app
- Go to the ‘My Setlists’ tab and click on the plus sign in the top right corner
- Name your setlist and add the works one by one
- You can find the new setlist under ‘My Setlists’
- To register a performance, go to the ‘My Performances’ tab
- Click on the plus sign and then fill in the details of the performance
- Add the setlist you have just uploaded using the ‘Add setlist’ button
- Now both your setlist and your upcoming performance are registered
And see: Setlist app | Piktochart Visual Editor
#permalinkWhere can I find information about deadlines?
You can find the deadlines for submitting your setlists in your MijnBumaStemra account under ‘Calendar’.
#permalinkWhat is the minimum payment for a performance?
For live performances, we have a minimum payment of € 22,- per performance. For larger events, this amount may be higher. The amount is divided between the specified titles and the relevant rightsholders.
#permalinkRegistration of (partially) AI-generated musical works
What happens if I provide incorrect information?
Providing incorrect or incomplete information may have legal consequences and could lead to a loss of rights. Ensure your works are registered correctly. Read more about the registration of (partially) AI-generated works with BumaStemra here.
#permalinkHow can I prove my rights for an AI-assisted work?
Document the process, including the prompts and edits, to demonstrate the creative choices you made. Read more about the registration of (partially) AI-generated works with BumaStemra here.
#permalinkWhat about works where AI only supported my creative process?
These are considered AI-assisted works and can be registered as usual. Read more about the registration of (partially) AI-generated works with BumaStemra here.
#permalinkWhat if I used both AI and my own creative input?
Use the AI BUMA/STEMRA IPI number (01252737944) for the AI portion and register your contribution under your name. This applies when either the lyrics or the composition is AI-generated. Read more about the registration of (partially) AI-generated works with BumaStemra here.
#permalinkHow do I determine if my work is protected by copyright?
Check whether human creative choices are evident in the output. Without these, the work is not eligible for copyright protection. Read more about the registration of (partially) AI-generated works with BumaStemra here.
#permalinkCan I register works fully created by AI?
No, works created entirely by AI without human creative input are not eligible for registration, copyright, or payment. Read more about the registration of (partially) AI-generated works with BumaStemra here.
#permalinkOther questions
Is it a good idea to join Stemra if my music is released on a self-produced CD?
If you’re releasing a CD yourself then it might not always make sense to join Stemra. This varies per situation and depends on the type of music used. It’s best to contact us directly to find out more. We’ll give you advice based on your situation and your musical work. You can reach us at 023-7997999 or info@bumastemra.nl.
#permalinkMy music has been used in different countries. Do I have to join the copyright organisations in those countries too?
No, you don’t have to do this. It is useful to let us know that your music is used internationally if you know this in advance. We have several international sister societies. They keep track of music use in their territory and arrange the associated payments with us. As soon as you let us know that your musical work is being used outside the Netherlands we’ll contact these organisations directly so you can receive your remuneration as soon as possible.
Please note: the international process can take one to two years. The sooner you register your work with us, the sooner you’ll be paid.
#permalinkI’m a performer but not a composer. Do I need to join BumaStemra?
No, if you’re a performer, you need to join Sena. Sena represents the interests of performers. If you’ve been involved in the recording or commercial download of a musical work as a producer or performer, then you’re entitled to payment if this recording is played on radio or television. This payment goes through Sena.
#permalinkHow does it work if I want to record my music on DVD or CD?
The Stemra part of BumaStemra looks after the reproduction and recording of music. You need permission from Stemra when you want to record music on image or sound carriers such as DVDs or CDs. Creators of image and sound carriers include record companies, importers, broadcasters, background music producers and advertising agencies. Organisations that create promotional materials in the form of an image or sound carrier must also pay a fee.
The higher the commercial value, the higher the remuneration we pay to the composers, songwriters and publishers. We determine the commercial value based on the number of print runs and the distribution area.
#permalinkI wrote a song. How and where can I register it?
When you create a new and original song, it’s automatically copyrighted. You don’t have to do anything. However, sometimes you may need to prove that you are the creator of a musical work. You can do this by registering the work and the date on which it was created with a notary. You can also file an I-DEPOT with the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property and upload your audio file.
Do you want to know more about copyright? Go to Autersrecht.nl.
#permalinkWhat is the copyright threshold and how does it work?
The copyright threshold is the level over which BumaStemra processes your music. This level is set at € 50,-. This means that if music use amounts to € 50,- or more, we will process and distribute this use. Research shows that this is the best cost-benefit ratio. This means that the maximum feasible number of musical works will be distributed at a reasonable cost. The copyright threshold is based on the total value of music use within one of the following three categories: Buma, Stemra or Online. We always calculate this over a three-year period.
If the use of a musical work in the Online category earns € 50,- or more, then we process the available ownership information and distribute payment. As soon as the copyright information is complete, music use will always be distributed in the future. Even if the amount in any of the three categories is less than € 50,-.
#permalinkIf I compose music specifically for a production, does my client become the owner of that music?
No, the client doesn’t become the owner of this music. The rights to the music remain yours unless you have a different agreement with the client. When you become a member of BumaStemra, you transfer the exploitation rights of your music to us. If your client wants to use this music again, they must ask our permission first.
#permalinkCan I make agreements with my client if I am a member of BumaStemra?
In some cases, you can make an agreement with your client. However, you must have written the musical works specifically on request. If so, then you can make other arrangements for payments and costs. These agreements are between you and your client and have nothing to do with BumaStemra. Please register commissioned music with us.
#permalinkI make commissioned music. Do I have to cancel my membership with BumaStemra?
No, you don’t have to cancel your membership. As a member of BumaStemra, you are obliged to include a ‘deviating clause’ in your employment contract. This is an additional clause in your contract with your employer that states that you retain your copyright. Check your employment contract if you work as a permanent music creator employee as this additional clause may already be included.
This clause allows BumaStemra to assign your copyright. As a member of BumaStemra, we protect the exploitation rights of your existing and future musical works.
#permalinkHow do music creators receive remuneration for their work in a grand rights production?
Buma doesn’t collect payment for the use of music in grand rights productions. Authors make their own agreements with the producers about the remuneration and use of their music.
In addition, we don’t collect payment when the music from an existing dramatic musical performance is reused in another performance or when only existing music by the same author is used. In this situation, it is important that the musical works are inextricably linked to the storyline of the performance. And no other musical works may be used.
Please note: music from a dramatic musical production, for example a song from a musical, can be broadcast on the radio or TV or recorded on CD. That’s why it’s important for music authors to register their musical works with BumaStemra.
When does Buma collect royalties for specially composed music in a grand rights production?
If you want Buma to collect royalties for the use of your specially composed music in grand rights productions, you must meet certain conditions:
- Notify us in advance that you want us to collect royalties for the use of your music in the grand rights production.
- Notify the producer in advance that Buma will be collecting royalties.
- The music must be “grand rights repertoire,” meaning it’s specially composed for the production.
- You must have registered the music with Buma in time, preferably within the first month of its use.
- You cannot have arranged compensation for performance rights through another method.
- For each production for which you want Buma to collect royalties, you must submit a new request to us.
To submit a request, please send us an email at podia.theater@bumastemra.nl.
#permalinkWhen does Buma collect for specially written music in a grand rights production?
Buma collects for the music use of your self-written works in grand rights productions if the work meets a number of conditions:
- You let us know in advance that you want us to collect for your music use in grand rights productions
- You let the producer know in advance that Buma is going to collect for this music use
- It must concern ‘grand rights repertoire’, i.e. music that is specially written for the production
- You registered the music with Buma on time, preferably in the first month that your music was used
- You have not already arranged payment for performance rights in some other way. You must submit a new application for each production that you want Buma to collect for you
To submit an application, email podia.theater@bumastemra.nl.
#permalinkWhat are Unlogged Performances, and how does it work?
Do you write music exclusively for one performance venue? Is your library music used for radio and television? Or did you write music for a specific TV report? If so, you may not be able to receive remuneration for this as a music creator through us.
In this situation, you can take advantage of the unlogged performance scheme (Articles 9 & 10). This scheme ensures that you still get paid for the use of your music. In practice, the scheme is used almost exclusively for one specific situation: music used in amusement parks or amusement park attractions.
How does the scheme for unlogged performances work?
To apply for this scheme, the performances or broadcasts where your work is used must meet a number of criteria:
- It involves the regular use of your music over several years
- You have registered your music with us, and we have the correct copyright shares if you have written with multiple authors
- The musical works are known to Buma and have been notified by all rightsholders
- Please email info@bumastemra.nl with details of which works are being used and where they are being used. If you submit this information by June 1st, you’re eligible for a one-on-one payment starting from the previous calendar year.
- It involves relatively high numbers of performances per musical work that are not logged. This is linked to the requirement that costs should not be disproportionate to revenue
- A licence must be in place. It is therefore important to tell your client that the use of your music requires a licence with Buma. An exception is if there is a general licence in place for the entire location, to play music from multiple creators. In this instance, it is not possible to identify which amount relates to which musical work
- Payment may not have already been made in any other way for the use of music. For example by:
- Use of samples
- Use of reference repertoire
- Use on RTV
In this instance, the distribution of reference repertoire is covered under Entertainment Music.